Month: March 2011

New ABF Africa Site Screenshot

Welcome to the new Albert Baker Fund website!

We’re pleased to announce the launch of our new website. It features clearer instructions for applicants, more examples of gratitude, and additional ways for you to connect with ABF.

Map of Africa

Learn Where Our First Alums in Africa are Working!

ABF first began its outreach to Christian Scientists in Africa in 2006. Many of those students have now graduated from university or completed their technical programs and found employment. Following is a partial list of our first ABF alums in Africa and how they are putting their education to good use. If you are an ABF alum and would like to be listed here, please email your information to with the subject line “News from ABF Alum in Africa.”

World Map

What Building Blocks Need to be in Place When We Expand to a New Country?

(Français) Au fur et à mesure que la Science Chrétienne commence à s’étendre au monde entier, c’est également le cas pour le Fonds Albert Baker! Ces derniers mois, on nous a demandé à plusieurs occasions d’étendre notre aide à de nouveaux pays. Des membres de l’Eglise de la Science Chrétienne nous ont contactés depuis l’Angola, le Brésil, le Burkina Faso, le Gabon, le Liberia, l’Indonésie, les Philippines, le Malawi, le Pérou, l’Afrique du Sud et le Togo !