
ATTENTION: Updated list of approved schools

The Albert Baker Fund offers educational grants to active Christian Scientists to attend university, graduate school or vocational school.  Please review the list of approved schools below.  The Albert Baker Fund will only support students attending these schools.  Applications requesting funding for schools that are not on the list will be denied.

List of Approved Schools supported by ABF

  • Global Distribution Service (GDS) Training Center
  • Université Catholique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest / Unité Universitaire (UCAO / UUC)
  • Centre d’Etudes Touristique (CET/AAT-IPAAM)
  • Université d’Abomey Calavi
  • Institut Universitaire Les Cours Sonou
  • Institut Universitaire du Bénin (IUB)
  • Institut Supérieur des Métiers de l’Audiovisuels (ISMA)
  • Institut Pontifical Jean Paul II de Philosophie et de Sciences Humaines
  • Haute Ecole de Commerce et de Management (HECM)
  • Universite Africaine de Technologie et de Management (UATM)
  • Istitut Supe’riur de Management (ISM)
  • Pigier Benin
  • Institut Prive d’Excellence de Formations Polytechniques et d’Insertion Professionelle
  • Centre Professionnel de Formation en Audiovisuel Instinct Vidéo Leader

Africa Program Manager & Africa Processing Agent

Lamech Katamba : Africa Program Manager

Lamech Katamba
Africa Program Manager
Tel: +256 753 40 86 45

Skype: lamechkatamba
Kampala, Uganda
English, Luganda, Swahili

Dominique Bita’a Beling : Africa Processing Agent

Dominique Bita’a Beling
Africa Processing Agent
Tel: +237 679 12 24 40

Yaounde, Cameroon
English, French

In-Country Representatives

Edmond Nanoukon : In-Country Representative for Benin

Edmond Nanoukon
In-Country Representative for Benin
Tel: +229 970 877 70

Cotonou, Benin
English, French