Africa – The Albert Baker Fund in Africa Educating Christian Scientists, Blessing the World Wed, 09 Apr 2014 04:26:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32075052 Learn Where Our First Alums in Africa are Working! Tue, 01 Mar 2011 21:18:57 +0000 Map of AfricaABF first began its outreach to Christian Scientists in Africa in 2006. Many of those students have now graduated from university or completed their technical programs and found employment. Following is a partial list of our first ABF alums in Africa and how they are putting their education to good use.  If you are an ABF alum and would like to be listed here, please email your information to with the subject line “News from ABF Alum in Africa.”

  • Maureen Baraza is a nursery school teacher in Uganda
  • Wilberforce Damba is an auto mechanic in Uganda
  • Komako James is a real time analyst for Mobile Telephone Network, the largest telephone company in Uganda
  • James Kasozi is the IT (information technology) manager for Post Bank Uganda, Ltd.
  • Adedeh Malachi works as an architectural engineer while enrolled in a master’s program in Nairobi, Kenya
  • Jacqueline Namusalisi is the quality control manager for Brittania Foods Ltd. in Uganda, while taking graduate school courses in Kampala
  • Edmond Nanoukon is an independent IT consultant in Benin whose clients include major government agencies and corporations. Edmond is also a fellow of LEAD (Leadership for Environment and Development), a leadership network based in the UK
  • Enoch Rutsigazi is a customer service support administrator at Mobile Telephone Network in Uganda
  • Margaret Namubiru is a researcher at Premier Consulting Associates, Ltd. in Kampala, Uganda
  • Lloyd Sakala is a mechanical engineer for an auto garage in Lusaka, Zambia
  • Moses Ssali has started an event planning company in Uganda
  • Olivia Talemwa is a consultant for a Ugandan governmental agency
  • Esau Tumwine is a librarian at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, where he graduated
What Building Blocks Need to be in Place When We Expand to a New Country? Tue, 01 Mar 2011 20:22:47 +0000 World Map

As Christian Science begins to reach around the world, so does The Albert Baker Fund! Over the last several months we’ve had a number of requests to expand our aid to new countries. We’ve been contacted by Christian Scientists in Angola, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Liberia, Indonesia, The Phillipines, Malawi, Peru, South Africa, and Togo!

What does it take to successfully serve Christian Scientists thousands of miles away from our Sacramento headquarters? Here are a few of the questions we ask ourselves when we receive requests from Christian Scientists to start a new program in a new country.

  1. Does this country have an active Christian Science community with at least one practitioner in the area?
  2. Are there trusted sources that can provide us with current data on reliable banking infrastructure, local laws, and reputable schools?
  3. What is the availability of educated volunteers (Christian Scientists) to assist with a local program?
  4. Do we have sufficient ABF staff to manage a new program, including interfacing with local representatives, volunteers and prospective students?
  5. What systems and measures would we need in order to approve students and schools in a new country?
  6. Do we have sufficient reasons to investigate this country on site?
  7. What would we need to budget to research, establish and maintain a new program, including funds for additional student grants?

