Nouvelles – The Albert Baker Fund in Africa Educating Christian Scientists, Blessing the World Tue, 19 Mar 2024 18:03:57 +0000 fr-FR hourly 1 32075052 (English) ABF Grad Helps Uganda Church Gain Legal Status Mon, 17 May 2021 20:50:05 +0000 Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

(English) Student Spotlight: Dixon’s Contribution to Ugandan Education Mon, 14 Oct 2013 16:48:51 +0000 Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

(English) ABF in Africa: Meeting our family! Mon, 19 Aug 2013 17:56:37 +0000 Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

Bienvenue au site web du Albert Baker Fund! Thu, 10 Mar 2011 01:53:35 +0000 New Albert Baker Fund website

Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de notre nouveau site web. Le site présente des instructions plus claires à l’intention des candidats, de plus nombreux exemples de gratitude et d’autres façons de vous mettre en relation avec l’ABF.


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Découvrez où travaillent nos premiers anciens d’Afrique ! Tue, 01 Mar 2011 21:18:57 +0000 Map of AfricaABF a commencé ses activités de sensibilisation à la Science Chrétienne en Afrique en 2006. Bon nombre de ces étudiants ont obtenu un diplôme universitaire ou déjà achevé leurs programmes techniques et trouvé un emploi. Voici une liste partielle de nos aluns ABF première fois en Afrique et comment ils mettent leur éducation à une bonne utilisation:

  • Maureen Baraza est une enseignante d’école maternelle en Ouganda
  • Wilberforce Damba est un mécanicien automobile en Ouganda
  • Komako James est un analyste en temps réel pour Mobile Telephone Network, la plus grande compagnie de téléphone en Ouganda
  • James Kasozi est le gestionnaire des TI (technologies de l’information) pour la Post Bank Uganda, Ltd
  • Adedeh Malachie travaille en tant qu’ingénieur d’architecture alors qu’il est inscrit dans un programme de maîtrise à Nairobi, au Kenya
  • Elizabeth Nangonzi travaille comme infirmière de la Science Chrétienne au niveau des feuilles au Texas
  • Jacqueline Namusalisi est le gestionnaire de contrôle de la qualité pour les aliments Brittania Ltd en Ouganda, tout en prenant des cours des études supérieures à Kampala.
  • Edmond Nanoukon est un organisme indépendant consultant en TI au Bénin dont les clients sont des agences gouvernementales et des sociétés principales. Edmond est également membre de LEAD (Leadership for Environment and Development), un réseau de leadership basée au Royaume-Uni
  • Enoch Rutsigazi est un administrateur de soutien à la clientèle au service de Mobile Telephone Network en Ouganda
  • Margaret Namubiru est chercheur au Premier Associates Consulting, Ltd à Kampala, Ouganda
  • Lloyd Sakala est un ingénieur en mécanique pour un garage automobile à Lusaka, en Zambie
  • Moïse Ssali a lancé une entreprise de planification d’événements en Ouganda
  • Olivia Talemwa est un consultant pour une agence gouvernementale ougandaise
  • Esaü Tumwine est un bibliothécaire à l’Université de Makerere à Kampala, en Ouganda, où il a obtenu
Quels éléments de base doivent-ils être en place pour que nous intervenions dans un nouveau pays? Tue, 01 Mar 2011 20:22:47 +0000 World Map

As Christian Science begins to reach around the world, so does The Albert Baker Fund! Over the last several months we’ve had a number of requests to expand our aid to new countries. We’ve been contacted by Christian Scientists in Angola, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Liberia, Indonesia, The Phillipines, Malawi, Peru, South Africa, and Togo!

What does it take to successfully serve Christian Scientists thousands of miles away from our Sacramento headquarters? Here are a few of the questions we ask ourselves when we receive requests from Christian Scientists to start a new program in a new country.

  1. Does this country have an active Christian Science community with at least one practitioner in the area?
  2. Are there trusted sources that can provide us with current data on reliable banking infrastructure, local laws, and reputable schools?
  3. What is the availability of educated volunteers (Christian Scientists) to assist with a local program?
  4. Do we have sufficient ABF staff to manage a new program, including interfacing with local representatives, volunteers and prospective students?
  5. What systems and measures would we need in order to approve students and schools in a new country?
  6. What would we need to budget to research, establish and maintain a new program, including funds for additional student grants?
  7. Do we have sufficient reasons to investigate this country on site?


Visionnez notre exaltante nouvelle vidéo qui présente nos étudiants africains Wed, 02 Jun 2010 05:40:24 +0000 After debuting our new 11 minute video to appreciative audiences in Northern and Southern California, Oregon, Texas, and Principia College in Elsah, Illinois, it is now available on our website. “The Albert Baker Fund~Helping Christian Scientists Bless the World” tells the inspiring story of Christian Science pioneers in Africa and how their education, made possible by The Albert Baker Fund, is blessing them, their communities, and their countries.

Un voyage en Afrique apporte un message d’espoir Mon, 24 May 2010 07:33:42 +0000 African school children

by Alan Bashor, ABF CEO

This spring CEO Alan Bashor and Board President Nancy Battey traveled to Africa, the UK, and Germany to strengthen and expand ABF’s international outreach. Here Alan reflects on a new appreciation for the hope that ABF brings to fellow Christian Scientists around the world.

After traveling to eleven countries in 33 days—first the United Kingdom, then Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana and Germany—and meeting with approximately 950 Christian Scientists at 15 separate events, Nancy and I are still trying to make sense of everything we saw, and felt, and learned.

Alan meeting with Christian Scientists in Africa

Alan meeting with Christian Scientists in Africa

One thing is certain: The Albert Baker Fund and what we stand for connects deeply to our fellow Christian Scientists in Africa and around the world. We touch their hope, their trust, respect and gratitude. Our outreach and support is evidence of the power of prayer to meet each individual’s human need and tangible proof that they are not forgotten or unheard.

Along with ABF Board President Nancy Battey, and our African representative Lamech Katamba, we were guests of the most patient, selfless, thoughtful, compassionate, caring, giving and sincere people you could ever hope to meet.

Amidst poverty, their generosity and the light in their hearts sustains entire villages, schools, neighborhoods and churches.

African woman sewingIn countries where streets have no names, and buildings have no numbers, these pioneers are compass points from which others find their way Spirit-ward.

In churches where there are no musical instruments the singing rivals any we have ever heard.

Without complaint, and with a love so huge that it makes you cry, these wonderful Christian Science workers press on in the face of unheard-of obstacles (tribal rivalries, corrupt political systems, polygamy, unemployment, and lack of opportunities for women), healing malaria, AIDS and every seeming life-threatening condition through prayer alone.

From Nancy: “Christian Science is alive and growing in Africa and the high expectation of healing reminds us of what we’ve read and heard about the early pioneers of the CS movement in the United States.”

We are both humbled to see first hand the good that ABF is able to be a part of in the lives of our fellow Christian Scientists half-way around the world.

The Albert Baker Fund and Christian Science are truly bringing a message of hope to Africa.

Signed Alan Bashor

Alan R. Bashor


L’ABF se retire de Tanzanie Mon, 10 May 2010 05:31:05 +0000 Tanzania flag

The Albert Baker Fund is temporarily suspending its operations in Tanzania this year. We are working closely with our RVP in Mwanza to re-establish a strong base and network of support between the churches and our students, and hope to re-open our program there next year. Continuing students who received an award from ABF last year may contact us directly at to see if an exception can be made.

The Albert Baker Scholar (Le Lauréat Albert Baker)– Bulletin de juillet 2008 Edition spéciale Afrique Thu, 10 Jul 2008 08:00:08 +0000 The Albert Baker Scholar Newsletter - July 2008 Special African Report

Cliquez ici pour télécharger ce bulletin Edition spéciale Afrique 2008 (PDF, 2.0 MB)

pour lequel il faut disposer d’Adobe Acrobat Reader. Si vous n’avez pas Acrobat, cliquez ici pour le télécharger gratuitement.  
