Un voyage en Afrique apporte un message d’espoir

African school children

by Alan Bashor, ABF CEO

This spring CEO Alan Bashor and Board President Nancy Battey traveled to Africa, the UK, and Germany to strengthen and expand ABF’s international outreach. Here Alan reflects on a new appreciation for the hope that ABF brings to fellow Christian Scientists around the world.

After traveling to eleven countries in 33 days—first the United Kingdom, then Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana and Germany—and meeting with approximately 950 Christian Scientists at 15 separate events, Nancy and I are still trying to make sense of everything we saw, and felt, and learned.

Alan meeting with Christian Scientists in Africa

Alan meeting with Christian Scientists in Africa

One thing is certain: The Albert Baker Fund and what we stand for connects deeply to our fellow Christian Scientists in Africa and around the world. We touch their hope, their trust, respect and gratitude. Our outreach and support is evidence of the power of prayer to meet each individual’s human need and tangible proof that they are not forgotten or unheard.

Along with ABF Board President Nancy Battey, and our African representative Lamech Katamba, we were guests of the most patient, selfless, thoughtful, compassionate, caring, giving and sincere people you could ever hope to meet.

Amidst poverty, their generosity and the light in their hearts sustains entire villages, schools, neighborhoods and churches.

African woman sewingIn countries where streets have no names, and buildings have no numbers, these pioneers are compass points from which others find their way Spirit-ward.

In churches where there are no musical instruments the singing rivals any we have ever heard.

Without complaint, and with a love so huge that it makes you cry, these wonderful Christian Science workers press on in the face of unheard-of obstacles (tribal rivalries, corrupt political systems, polygamy, unemployment, and lack of opportunities for women), healing malaria, AIDS and every seeming life-threatening condition through prayer alone.

From Nancy: “Christian Science is alive and growing in Africa and the high expectation of healing reminds us of what we’ve read and heard about the early pioneers of the CS movement in the United States.”

We are both humbled to see first hand the good that ABF is able to be a part of in the lives of our fellow Christian Scientists half-way around the world.

The Albert Baker Fund and Christian Science are truly bringing a message of hope to Africa.

Signed Alan Bashor

Alan R. Bashor